Parking News
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What Is Local SEO And Why Is It Important for Parking Operations?
Increasing awareness and maximizing revenue growth.
Enhancing The User Experience At SmartVMC with IPARC
Delivering premium parking management and technology integration.
Why Contactless Parking Is More Important Than Ever
Touchless features to support today's health and safety protocols.
Precise ParkLink Achieves Certificate of Recognition (CORâ„¢) by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
Precise ParkLink is proud to announce that we achieved a Certificate of Recognition…
How it Works: Cloud-Based Parking Enforcement Technology and Mobile Payment
The key to ultimate operational efficiency.
Adamo Donatucci Joins Precise ParkLink
Precise ParkLink is proud to announce that Adamo Donatucci will join its team as the company’s Business Development and Strategy Officer. In this new role…
Our Power Hour Interview with SiberXchange at This Years CareerXpo
Precise ParkLink takes centre stage in a recent episode of Power Hour at this year's CareerXpo.
Tech Review: Why Parking Facilities Need Live Central Monitoring and Integrated Cameras
Parking solutions for a growing community.
6 Reasons Why Parking Facilities Need Live Central Monitoring
Keeping close tabs on the performance of your parking system is key to running a successful and profitable operation.
Precise ParkLink Wins BOMA Toronto Pinnacle Above & Beyond Award
Precise ParkLink was announced as the recipient of the Pinnacle Above and Beyond Award. This award recognizes Precise…
Supporting Rapid COVID-19 Testing
has had the second highest number of COVID-19 patients than any hospital across the Greater Toronto Area. The hospital is leading the way when it comes to COVID-19 testing…
A Partnership That Goes Beyond Parking
Toronto, Ont. – Precise ParkLink and Durham College (DC) are thrilled to share the results of their long-term collaborative partnership through their online Artificial Intelligence Kiosk Case Study.
Congratulations BOMA International TOBY Awards Winners!
Parking should always be easy—whether you’re rushing to a meeting or getting together with a friend. While technology…
5 Tips: How to Safely Transition Your Parking Facility to the New Reality
Last Friday, May 1st ChargePoint—a global leader in EV charging solutions—hosted a Fast Charging for Canadian Utilities…
COVID-19: Transition Planning
We are thankful for the tremendous efforts our frontline workers, various levels of government and Ontarian’s across the province have put fourth these combined efforts that we are in a position where we can begin working towards reviving our business…
Maintaining Our Services
Precise ParkLink is doing all it can to support our staff, clients, and their customers in the fight against COVID-19. We are committed to…